Law Enforcement Conference Videos

EmpowerMen > Law Enforcement Conference Videos

Dr. Kari Johnstone (OSCE)

Discouraging the demand that fosters trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

Stephanie Harland (Government of Manitoba)

Workshop B1: R. v. Alcorn

Peter Hlbocan & Jared Ruecker (ALERT Alberta)

Workshop B2: Operation Element

Ghyslain Vallieres (Longueuil Police)

Workshop C1: C3ESSEs – Reducing Demand for Sexual Exploitation in Quebec (Set up, benefits and cost savings)

Janith Rajamanthri & Christine Schroeder (Salvation Army Winnipeg)

Workshop C2: Winnipeg’s Prostitution Offender Program: The why’s and how’s of one of Canada’s longest running John Schools.

Sue Orlando (Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General)

Workshop C3: Investigating and prosecuting sex traffickers and buyers: Ontario’s approach

Andrea Heinz & Kathy King (CEASE)

Workshop D1: United to End Demand: Community & Law Enforcement.

Anisha Saddler

A Survivors Story

Melinda Murray (Government of Manitoba)

Info Session: Manitoba Justice and Criminal Property Forfeiture Fund